Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Las motocicletas

Riding motorcycles is fun. No ins or outs about it. I never rode one until I arrived here, but now I find myself making up as many excuses as possible to ride them. Part of my job is to run them daily to ensure they don't die from lack of use, which is great because as I said, riding motorcycles is fun. As you can see, we have three motorcycles on the property, two road bikes, and one dirt bike. The dirt bike is by far the best one we have, especially for the terrain on which we have to ride. If there is a down side to it, it's that it's not terribly fast once you get it on the road, but that's a minute detail especially compared to how well it runs on the rocky dirt roads around here. The black Yamaha is a piece of crap. It's not its fault that it's a road bike, so even getting it out to the road is a pain (literally, I feel like I should be wearing an athletic cup). Because of this, no one rides anything but the dirt bike, hence the necessity to run them everyday. But, unlike the dirt bike, once you brave the pain and the bumps and get the Yamaha out on the road, it's super fast and very fun to drive, aside from the fact that it's a piece of crap and the whole thing rattles and vibrates while being driven and it's terrifying, but that just adds to the experience in my opinion. And the red bike on the end is a Suzuki, but the kick starter doesn't work so you can't even start it unless you get a push down the hill. Why don't we get it fixed you may ask, well, like I said before no one ever drives it so there really isn't a point. It would just be a waste of money, something we try really hard not to waste. Why don't you just sell the two road bikes that no one ever drives and buy a new dirt bike that people will drive you ask? Well Bill wants to "limp them out" for another year, and Bill is the boss and what he says goes. So until then, we stick to the dirt bike, which as I'm going to say for a third time now, not to be repetitive, but to emphasize a point, is quite fun to ride.

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