Sunday, August 3, 2014

Los animales de la finca: Rex

I couldn't get one quality, in focus picture of Rex (cause he doesn't stay still unless you're petting him) so you get two pictures of Rex! He is our property guard dog, despite being secured to a tree 24/7. I know, I know, it sounds harsh, but listen to the story first then decide. Actually, I'll get to that in a second, first Rex's back story. About a year and a half ago, our former security guard told Jaime about a dog tied up to a tree not far from the property that was basically dying. Jaime went to the owner of the dog and asked if he could take him but the owner said he wasn't for sale, which was ridiculous. So Jaime would bring food to the dog and eventually got him healthy and back up to weight, at which point the owner eagerly offered to sell Jaime this dog. Our property security guard was a terrible one, so Jaime was able to buy the dog for $300, and we had a new security dog in Rex. Now back to the reason he spends his days tied to a tree. So as you may have figured by the blurriness of the pictures, Rex is quite the rambunctious puppy. He's between 70-80 pounds, and loves to jump. Initially we let him run free around the property, which went well for the most part, but then Rex started killing stuff. One time, actually while I was here in March for ASB, a stray piglet got onto the property and Rex killed the shit out of it. Long story short I think the mission got sued, or threatened to get sued, so we had to give them two or three piglets to avoid a huge debacle. After that, and I think other similar incidents, Rex was condemned to his tree. It's unfortunate cause he is a really good dog, and surprisingly good on a leash for such a big dog. He'll eat absolutely anything (and super fast). And he has a big water bucket, but he knocks it over every, single, time you put it in front of him (pictured in the background of the photo on the left). The silver lining to Rex's sad story of being tied to a tree all the time is that he's (most likely) gonna get to go to America for a better life come December! We had a group down here and one of the women in the group heard his story and offered to take him home for her friend who is apparently obsessed with Rottweilers (and willing to pay all the expenses of getting him to America), which is great! Rex deserves a better life than the one he has here, so I'm happy he'll get that.

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