Friday, July 18, 2014

¿Juegas el béisbol?

In the summer, there is a rotation. A group comes in on either a Tuesday or a Saturday, eats the same food each day of the week, works two days then goes to the beach, works two more days then puts on a carnival for the kids of the village in which they built. This week, the group didn't really bring anything for the carnival except for some coloring pages and crayons, so we decided to hold a baseball game instead. We walked through the village telling everyone there would be a baseball game, and soon the field was filled with kids ready to play. First we let the younger ones hit a couple times each and run the bases. When their attention spans ran out, they moved to playing tag in the outfield, and then it was the older kids turn to play. I finally had my first Dominican béisbol experience (took long enough as far as I'm concerned). I didn't play, but just watching was very cool. There were certainly a couple standouts above the rest, but what I thought was the coolest part about watching them play is that they were all so smooth out in the field, like playing baseball is in their DNA. It was all very impressive. Give it 5-7 years, then look out for these kids on an MLB team near you.

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