Thursday, July 17, 2014

Las Familias

This is Jaquelina and her daughter Kailie. They are two of the three members (dad Claudio not pictured) of the family we built a house for in Luperón. The way it is decided which family receives a house in each village we build in is not as simple as Bill choosing which family seems the most deserving. That wouldn't make sense, Bill doesn't know the families. So in each village there is an organization that goes around to everyone and asks who they believe is the most deserving of a house, so the community itself decides which family needs/deserves a house the most. And Jaquelina and her family certainly needed/deserved a house, they lived in a shack made out of rusty tin roofing that as Bill would say, you wouldn't let your dog live in, and to boot it flooded past their ankles any time it rained. On top of their house situation, Jaquelina happens to be one of the most kind, giving, and motherly people you could ever hope to meet. I remember the first day I met her she was carrying around a baby and I asked her what the baby's name was and she didn't even know it! She was taking care of someone else's baby that she didn't even know to give the mother a break. We finished building Jaquelina's house a few days ago, and started on one in the same village very close to hers. Yesterday I made the mistake of not having the group eat lunch in her brand new home, and she gave me a talking to and made me promise that today the group would eat lunch in her home. We could not have given a house to a more deserving person than Jaquelina.

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